Public is welcome
The eighteen member board will be meeting early in the morning (in camera) to deal with a number of resolutions dealing with heating rebate program, ambulance service fees, over the counter medication for residence in nursing homes, Veteran’s Disability calculated as income and the exclusion of the Coalition at a stakeholder’s meeting to review Standard Contribution Policy are some of the pressing issues. These items are all big ticket items that affect seniors.
For the Coalition to be excluded in the process denies social justice to seniors. Members of the Coalition are very concerned when government excludes stakeholders from such a process. No one should be left out, says Cassista.
Key note speakers Elizabeth Martin will share her experience as to how she had planned carefully for her retirement and how with the stroke of a pen by government was depleted of all her life savings.
Jack Carr, Opposition critic for seniors, will also address the assembly delivering his party’s vision for seniors.