
Checking vitals, monitoring movement: Devices help seniors remain home longer

This photo released by Home For Life Solutions shows the CookStop,at left, being used. CookStop is a proactive solution for preventing fire and smoke damage that starts in the kitchen.

It is an easy-to-use, wireless device that attaches to an electric stove or cook top. A built-in motion detector within CookStop monitors movement in the kitchen and automatically turns off the stove if the user leaves the room and does not return within a specific timeframe.(THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/Home For Life Solutions)

At 88, Grif Crawford knows she's at risk of a fall or other sudden health problem. So she wears a pendant around her neck that can summon help if something goes wrong.
"It's kind of like life insurance," said Crawford, of Lee Summit, Mo. "I feel very comforted with this."
