
Liberals promise 550 more advanced-care beds - Published Friday August 27th, 2010

Seniors' activist welcomes plan, but other parties question financial consequences and prior commitments

Cecile Cassista, executive director of the Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents' Rights, was pleased with the promises she heard made by Graham on day one of the campaign.

"It's a step in the right direction for the seniors of New Brunswick," she said, adding that a promise to create home-support for 650 seniors and their families was particularly encouraging and a good move to keep seniors in their own homes longer.

"As a daughter who took care of her mom for many years before she passed away, had that service been in place it would have helped a lot," she said. "In that situation I became the caregiver, and when you become a caregiver the relationship between a daughter and a mother isn't there anymore because you are a caregiver."