
Agenda - Board Meeting November 14, 2014

Board Meeting –   November 14, 2014
People Park Tower - 55 Camden Court, Moncton NB or 960 St George Blvd entrance
                                                                                     10:00 AM

1.                   Call to order
2.                   Welcome and opening remarks
3.                   Introduction  welcome new members
4.                   Adoption of Agenda
5.                   Adoption of Minutes:  June 20, 2014,(circulated) in kit minutes from annual meeting for information only
6.                  Correspondence  -  Email from Association francophone des ainés du Nouveau Brunswick
7.                  Reports & Logistics
                       President update, Claire Gay
                       Executive up date, Cecile Cassista, recruitment new members, media update                                   update with Social Development on matters relative to seniors’ policies nursing                             care facilities
                       Treasurer Report - Suzanne Maltais
         9.        Policies/ Resolutions - items for board discussion and recommendations
                       10 for - 10 unveiling achievements   -   Seniors Issues matter – Aging in Place
                       Veteran’s policy
                       Drug Plan discount Co Pay
                       Standard Family Contribution Policy booklet           
                       Meeting with Minister Social Development

         10.     Other
                     Home Care Association Collaboration

         11.      Constitution amendment

         12.      Evaluation
         13.      Thanks