

The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home
Residents’ Rights
“Standing Up for You”

I Name

The name of the organization shall be The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Residents’ Home Rights.

II Definition

The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights (CNSHRR) is a non partisan, non sectarian umbrella organization which brings together different like minded groups/individuals to endorse and promote shared principles.

III Purpose

The purpose of The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights is to fight to achieve and maintain affordable, accessible programs that enhance the quality of life of seniors and their families.

This is achieved by:
1. Maintaining close relations with various community partners;
2. Working to raise the profile of nursing home policies and to advance the mandate for policy changes improving the lives of seniors and their families;
3. Issuing press releases and media commentary;
4. Responding to the province’s “Changes to the Standard Family Contribution Policy”;
5. Holding meetings with MLA’s of all political parties in the province and making presentations to the Minister responsible for seniors;
6. Promoting the importance of policy changes for nursing homes in New Brunswick.

IV Board of Directors

(a) The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights shall be managed by a Board of Directors of not fewer than seven (7) members and not more than (18) members. The total number of member’s board shall include members of the executive.
(b) Board members shall be elected or appointed by their respective organization and reaffirmed at an Annual meeting.

(c) The Board shall have the power to enter into lawful contract and exercise such other acts as are authorized by its constitution and by-laws.

(d) The Board shall meet prior to the Annual Meeting in the fall and once in the spring. Other meetings will be scheduled as necessary.

(e) The Board of Directors shall consist of:
(i) All members of the Executive
(ii) Chairs of all standing committees
(iii) Two members-at-large.
(iv) Seven regional representatives.

V Officers

(a) The officers of The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights shall be President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, Executive Director who, together with the Immediate Past President, shall constitute the Executive and shall be accountable to the Board for upholding the purposes of The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights.

(b) The Executive shall conduct the affairs of the organization between meetings of the Board. All executive actions must be ratified at the next Board meeting.

VI Committees
The Board may appoint standing committees on Media and Public Relations, Education, Finance and Funding, Nominations and such special or ad hoc committees as it may deem necessary from time to time.
VII By-Laws

The Board may enact By-Laws concerning such matters as times and places of meeting, order of business, quorum numbers, voting, reports, duties, membership categories and fees, remuneration, signing officers and so on to guide the orderly conduct of The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights.

VIII General Membership

(a) Persons or organizations that approve the goals and purposes of The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights, who are accepted into membership on application, shall be members.
(b) Membership may be terminated by:
(I) resignation when accepted by the Board
(ii) Removal for cause by the Board

IX Annual Meeting

(a) To allow the financial reports to include all the transactions to the end of December, the end of the fiscal year of the organization, To allow the financial reports to include all the transactions to the end of December, the end of the fiscal year of the
Organization, the Annual General Meeting of the organization shall be held in the fall, or at a time and place to be determined by the Board.

(b) The books and records of the organization may be inspected by members at the time and place of the Annual meeting.

X Amendments

Changes or amendments shall be presented at an Annual meeting for a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the membership in attendance. Membership shall be advised of any proposed changes at least four (4) weeks in advance.

XI Dues and Assets

(a) Membership dues shall be established at the Annual meeting.
(b) The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights has the right to collect monies and acquire assets, including the collection of membership dues.

XII Borrowing

The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights may not borrow money in excess of current assets unless approved at an Annual or General meeting.

XIII Quorum

The quorum for an Annual or General meeting shall be ten (10) Board members.

XIV Resolutions

Resolutions may be presented at an Annual or General meeting provided that the Board has been advised of such proposed resolutions at least four (4) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Resolutions shall be approved by a majority vote of those in attendance.

Emergency resolutions, approved by the Board shall be submitted at the Annual Meeting.

Approved as amended by the Board April 19, 2008
Adopted by membership – Annual Meeting April 19, 2008
Adopted as Amended November 21, 2009 Annual Meeting

Constitution Committee:
Leo Cassista
Wayne Harrigan