
Press Release March 20, 2013

001.tifCoalition Supports Social Workers Students Post Card Campaign
The Coalition for Seniors has endorsed the Social Workers of St Thomas University post card campaign calling for Premier Alward to implement the promises made to seniors during the election 2010 campaign.
Cecile Cassista, executive director says the students will be holding a Social Action Fair on Thursday, March 21, 2013, at the St Thomas University with a view of getting their message out and getting signatures in support of their campaign.
The campaign is calling for the premier to deliver on his promises made to seniors during the election 2010.
Premier Alward: Keep Your Promises!     Seniors in New Brunswick Deserve Better!
·         Help Seniors live at home longer
·         Provide better protection and services to seniors by expanding the mandate of the provincial Ombudsman to advocate for seniors
·         Protect pensions
·         Support healthy and active living for seniors

·         Support senior care workers

For more information: Contact Cecile Cassista, coalitionnb@gmail.com
Karolyn Martin (karolyn.martin@gmail.com)